Monthly subscription fees vary depending on the participating organization. You can see your final cost in the shopping cart before you purchase.
Articles in this section
- How much does Burnalong+ cost?
- How do I report a billing error?
- What happens if my card is declined or I have insufficient funds in my designated payment account on the billing date?
- What is my membership commitment?
- Is my payment prorated if I join in the middle of a billing cycle?
- If I change my mind about canceling my subscription, may I stop the cancellation request before you cancel my Burnalong + subscription?
- What does it mean to be "defaulted," and how do I reactivate my account?
- If my employment is terminated or my employer terminates its agreement with Burnalong’s affiliate, Tivity Health Services, can I continue to maintain my Burnalong+ gym access subscription?
- Still have questions?
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